Does your hair fall too? Many of us suffer from this problem. One of the main causes of it is the styling of hair. If you do excessive brushing and combing of hair, sleep with wet hair, using tight elastic bands instead of satin hair scrunchies or keep pulling your strands to perform different styles, this can lead to hair damage. Using heat tools more often to perform hairstyles can cause root inflammation and make the strands weaken. As a result, the hair starts falling.
Hair breakage is also caused due to styles that do not allow for regular washing and make your scalp itchy. The itching of the scalp can lead to hair breakage near the root.
How To Fix Hair Breakage?
Since it is a tricky question but luckily there are ways to prevent hair breakage and damage. Regular trimming is something you can do to get the best growth of hair. Regular hair cuts are among the easy ways to prevent hair breakage.
Keeping The Hair Moisturized Why the hair break is because you are not providing enough moisture to them. Those who have curly hair must do this to prevent the breaking off of hair. Give pamper to your hair.
Use Fewer Heating Tools It is okay if you want to style your hair. But do not use much of the heating tools on your hair. If possible, try to use heat-free tools to prevent damage. A ponytail with hair scrunchie looks great too!
Regular Trimming If you don’t go for a regular haircut, it can lead to heavy breakage. Try to get your hair trimmed on a routine basis for its healthy growth. It is better to tie the hair with hair scrunchies to avoid tangles.
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